Saturday, 14 May 2011

Rest days and Eric Schat's Bakkery...

We know how to eat right

So projects are on for us all before we leave for Lake Tahoe and Yosemite, hopefully to meet up with Rich Bennett and his crew.  The skin is suffering from a lack of washing and endless dead points on our granite projects, the mind (at least mine) is suffering from seemingly endless groundfalls and the blood sugar is suffering from a lot of pastry's found on the discount rail in Eric Schat's Bakkery!

We avoided the 'bakkery' for the first week as we knew it would lead to crumbling bank accounts, but it wasn't long before the 'lets go have a look' conversation sparked.  The place is huge and full of amazing cakes, cookies, breads and ice creams.. ahhhhh it's amazing, but expensive!  Then the best/worst thing happened...we were told about a rail but not just any old rail... a 'day old discount' rail.  Obviously we headed straight for it and needless to say we now have daily visits and surprises with ever changing produce costing us a mere 35 cence...Yesterday i bought 6 energy bars and now have lunch for the next three days, and for no more than $2.50...winner!

So worry not folks, our rest days consist of sun bathing, coffee consuming and pastry bashing...all with amazing views of the Sierra, can't complain.
Breakfast at the Buttermilks


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